How to do time lapse videos - for beginners

A Beginner's Guide to Creating Stunning Time-Lapse Videos

A step-by-step guide will help you get started with time-lapse videography

Creating stunning time-lapse videos can be a great way to showcase the beauty of slow-moving objects or events in a fast-paced format. Whether you're a content creator looking to add a unique touch to your social media posts or a professional videographer looking to create captivating time-lapse videos, this step-by-step guide will help you get started.

The first step in creating a time-lapse video is to choose the right equipment. Any camera will work for time-lapse photography, but having a camera with an intervalometer built-in will make things a lot easier. You'll also want to consider other factors like lighting, stability, and battery life to ensure that your equipment doesn't interfere with your final product. Once you have the right equipment, you can move on to selecting a subject for your time-lapse video.

Carefully choosing the subject of your time-lapse is crucial to making a great video. The same considerations toward framing and composition when shooting a normal photo or video apply to time-lapse photography as well. You'll want to choose a subject that has movement or change over time, like a sunset, clouds, or traffic. With the right subject and equipment, you're ready to start creating your stunning time-lapse video.

Understanding Time-Lapse Photography

Time-lapse photography is a technique that captures a series of images over a period of time and then combines them into a video that shows the changes that occurred over that time. This technique is often used to capture the beauty of nature, the movement of people and objects, or the progress of a construction project.

To create a time-lapse video, you need to take a series of photos at regular intervals. The duration between each photo will depend on how long you want your final video to be and how much movement or change you want to capture. For example, if you want to capture a flower blooming, you may take a photo every 10 minutes for several hours.

Once you have taken all of the photos, you will need to combine them into a video. There are several software programs available that can help you do this, including Adobe Premiere Pro, LRTimelapse, and QuickTime Player.

To create a stunning time-lapse video, it is important to choose the right location and subject. Look for a location that has interesting movement or change, such as a busy street corner, a construction site, or a sunset over the ocean. You can also experiment with different camera angles and settings to create a unique and captivating video.

Overall, time-lapse photography is a fun and creative way to capture the passage of time and create stunning videos that showcase the beauty of the world around us.

Choosing the Right Equipment

To create stunning time-lapse videos, choosing the right equipment is crucial. The right equipment can make or break your time-lapse video. Here are some things to consider:

Selecting the Camera

Any camera can work for time-lapse photography, but a camera that has an intervalometer built-in will make things a lot easier. A DSLR camera is the most recommended for time-lapse as it can give you better quality and easier control. However, you can use almost any camera, as long as its system can support high-speed shoots, including mobile phones and compact cameras.

Understanding the Importance of Tripod

A sturdy tripod is essential for time-lapse photography. It keeps your camera steady and prevents any unwanted movement during the shoot. The tripod should be able to support the weight of your camera and lens. A good tripod should have adjustable legs, a level, and a ball head for easy adjustments. It's worth investing in a high-quality tripod as it can last for years and provide you with stable shots.

Deciding on a Suitable Intervalometer

An intervalometer is a device that triggers your camera to take photos at a set interval. It's an essential tool for time-lapse photography as it allows you to set the time between each shot. There are two types of intervalometers: built-in and external. Built-in intervalometers are available on some cameras, while external intervalometers can be purchased separately. When choosing an intervalometer, make sure it's compatible with your camera and has the features you need, such as the ability to set the number of shots and the time between shots.

By selecting the right equipment, you can create stunning time-lapse videos that capture the essence of your subject. Remember to choose a camera that has an intervalometer built-in, invest in a sturdy tripod, and select a suitable intervalometer.

Scouting the Perfect Location

When it comes to creating stunning time-lapse videos, scouting the perfect location is essential. Here are a few steps to help you find the ideal spot:

Step 1: Research

Before you start scouting for locations, do some research. Look for places that have interesting natural features, such as waterfalls, mountains, or beaches. You can also search for urban areas with unique architecture, like skyscrapers or bridges.

Step 2: Check the Weather

Once you have a list of potential locations, check the weather forecast for each spot. You'll want to avoid going to a location during bad weather, as this can ruin your shots.

Step 3: Visit the Location

Now that you have a list of potential locations, it's time to visit them in person. Take note of the time of day, lighting conditions, and any potential obstacles that could get in the way of your shots.

Step 4: Find the Perfect Spot

Once you've arrived at the location, take some time to explore and find the perfect spot to set up your camera. Look for areas with interesting foreground and background elements, and consider the direction of the light.

Step 5: Consider Safety

Finally, always consider safety when scouting for locations. Avoid areas that are dangerous or difficult to access, and make sure you have the necessary equipment to stay safe, such as proper footwear and clothing.

By following these steps, you can find the perfect location for your time-lapse video and capture stunning footage that will impress your audience.

Setting Up Your Camera

To create a stunning time-lapse video, you need to start by setting up your camera properly. In this section, we'll walk you through the essential steps to get your camera ready for time-lapse photography.

Adjusting the Frame Rate

The first thing you need to do is choose the frame rate for your time-lapse video. Frame rate refers to the number of frames your camera captures per second. A higher frame rate means more frames per second, resulting in a smoother video, but it also requires more storage space.

Most time-lapse videos are shot at a frame rate of 24 or 30 frames per second (FPS). However, you can experiment with different frame rates to achieve different effects. For example, if you want to capture fast-moving clouds, you may need a higher frame rate, while a lower frame rate can create a dreamy effect.

Setting the Exposure

The next step is to set your camera's exposure. Exposure refers to the amount of light that enters your camera's sensor. You can adjust the exposure by changing the aperture, shutter speed, or ISO.

For time-lapse photography, you want to set your camera to manual mode, so you have complete control over the exposure. Start by setting your aperture to a small f-stop number (e.g., f/8 or f/11) to ensure that everything in the frame is in focus. Next, adjust the shutter speed and ISO to get the right exposure for your scene.

Choosing the Interval Time

The interval time is the amount of time between each frame capture. It determines the speed of your time-lapse video. You can choose a short interval time (e.g., 1 second) for a faster video or a longer interval time (e.g., 10 seconds) for a slower video.

The interval time also depends on the length of your final video and the duration of your shoot. For example, if you want to create a 10-second video with a frame rate of 30 FPS, you need to capture 300 frames. If you shoot for 30 minutes with an interval time of 6 seconds, you'll have 300 frames.

In conclusion, setting up your camera for time-lapse photography requires adjusting the frame rate, setting the exposure, and choosing the interval time. By following these steps, you can create stunning time-lapse videos that capture the beauty of the world around us.

Capturing the Time-Lapse

Creating a stunning time-lapse video requires careful planning and execution. Here are the steps you need to follow to capture the perfect time-lapse footage.

Starting the Shoot

  1. Choose a subject: The first step is to choose a subject that will make an interesting time-lapse video. Consider things like a sunset, a busy street, or a construction site.

  2. Set up your camera: Make sure your camera is set up on a tripod or stable surface. You don't want any movement or shaking during the shoot. Set your camera to manual mode so you can control the settings.

  3. Set your exposure: Set your exposure to manual mode and choose the right shutter speed, aperture, and ISO for your subject. You may need to experiment with different settings to get the right exposure.

  4. Frame your shot: Frame your shot and make sure everything is in focus. You may want to use a wide-angle lens to capture more of the scene.

Monitoring the Shoot

  1. Start the time-lapse: Start your time-lapse and let your camera run for the desired amount of time. You may want to use an intervalometer to control the timing of the shots.

  2. Monitor the shoot: Keep an eye on your camera during the shoot and make sure everything is going as planned. Check the battery life and memory card space regularly.

  3. Make adjustments: If you notice any issues during the shoot, make adjustments as needed. You may need to change the exposure or framing of the shot.

  4. End the time-lapse: When you're finished with the shoot, stop the time-lapse and review your footage. Make sure everything looks good before moving on to the next step.

By following these steps, you can capture stunning time-lapse footage that will impress your audience. Remember to plan ahead, monitor the shoot, and make adjustments as needed to get the perfect shot.

Post-Production Process

Once you have captured your time-lapse images, the next step is to process them in post-production. This is where you will edit and assemble your images to create a stunning time-lapse video. In this section, we will guide you through the post-production process with three sub-sections: importing the images, editing the images, and assembling the video.

Importing the Images

The first step in post-production is to import your time-lapse images into your editing software. Most editing software allows you to import images as a sequence, which will automatically create a video clip from your images. You can also import your images individually and then arrange them in the correct order.

Before importing your images, make sure they are organized in a folder and named sequentially. This will make it easier to import and assemble your images in the correct order. You can also use batch renaming tools to rename your images in sequence.

Editing the Images

Once you have imported your images, it's time to edit them. This is where you can adjust the exposure, color, and contrast of your images to create a consistent look across all your frames. You can also remove any unwanted elements from your images, such as sensor dust or lens flares.

Editing your images can be a time-consuming process, but it's important to get it right. Take your time and make sure all your images have a consistent look and feel. You can also use presets or batch processing tools to speed up the editing process.

Assembling the Video

The final step in post-production is to assemble your time-lapse video. This is where you will combine all your edited images into a single video clip. Most editing software allows you to adjust the frame rate, duration, and resolution of your video clip.

You can also use a service like Whelm to share your video with colleagues or clients to capture their feedback. They can draw on the video, write time-stamped comments, and more, which allows you to create a collaborative feedback process without having to be in the same room or set up a video meeting.

When assembling your video, make sure you choose a frame rate that works well with your time-lapse sequence. A frame rate of 24 or 30 frames per second is standard for most time-lapse videos. You can also add music, sound effects, or narration to your video to enhance the viewing experience.

In conclusion, post-production is an essential step in creating a stunning time-lapse video. By following these three sub-sections - importing the images, editing the images, and assembling the video - you can create a time-lapse video that is both visually stunning and technically sound.

Sharing Your Time-Lapse Video

Once you have created your stunning time-lapse video, it's time to share it with the world. There are several options available to you for sharing your video, including social media, YouTube, Vimeo, and your own website.

Social Media

Social media is a great way to share your time-lapse video with friends, family, and followers. You can share your video on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and reach a wide audience quickly. Make sure to add relevant hashtags to your post to increase its visibility.


YouTube is the world's largest video sharing platform, and it's a great place to showcase your time-lapse video. You can create your own YouTube channel and upload your video for free. Make sure to add a catchy title, description, and tags to your video to help it get discovered by viewers.


Vimeo is another popular video sharing platform that is known for its high-quality video playback. You can upload your time-lapse video to Vimeo and share it with your audience. Vimeo also offers several customization options, such as the ability to add your own logo and customize the video player.

Your Own Website

If you have your own website, you can embed your time-lapse video directly on your site. This allows visitors to watch your video without leaving your website. You can also add a link to your video on your website's homepage or in your blog posts.


In conclusion, there are several options available to you for sharing your time-lapse video. Choose the platform that best suits your needs and audience, and make sure to add relevant information and tags to your video to help it get discovered by viewers.

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